
Thursday, April 16, 2015

Pet Portraits

Meet my newest client, Jingles the Parrot!


As an artist who paints custom portraits, I am often asked to paint pet pictures. Typically I'm approached to paint felines and canines, but most recently, I was commissioned to paint my first parrot! I've yet to meet Jingles, but I hear from her mom that she is a darling creature with expressive, warm, brown eyes. I want to meet Jingles and hope she'll sit on my head. (I said SIT, not SH#T.) I want to have a conversation with her and get to know her personality, because the key to creating a successful portrait is communicating personality. This is true for all creatures, two legged, four legged, and now, winged.
Jingles mom sent me these two photographs. The bird looks different in each one.
I combined them and came up with this draft doodle, which according to Mrs. Jingles is a reasonable likeness.

But, you see, it is no more than a profile picture of any old parrot. So, me and Jingles have a date to meet and get to know one another a bit before her portrait takes wing. I expect we'll sharpen our beaks and shoot the breeze, ruffle our feathers a little bit, and repeat the phrase, "Lisa wants a cracker."

I'll keep you posted about our date and progress on the painting!



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